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 | IBM WebSphere SDK for Web Services on Linux | |  |  | Contribuído por scorpio em 12-07-02 22:30 do departamento SDK | |  |  |  |  |  | Jake escreve "The initial release of the IBM WebSphere SDK for Web Services on Linux is now available. Developers can easily create Java-based applications for Web service providers and consumers. This offering contains everything developers need in a single convenient package, including a IBM SDK for Java technology, a runtime environment, a private UDDI registry, tools, samples, and documentation. It's based on open specifications for Web services such as SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI and runs on both Linux and Windows operating systems. The IBM WebSphere SDK for Web Services includes software developed by the Apache Software Foundation and is being offered at this time for free. " | |  |  |  |  | < Kartoo muda de look |  | gildot Login |  |  | Referências |  |  | Press |  | |