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 | Contribuído por nuno em 06-11-99 2:31 do departamento eu-bem-que-te-dizia |
|  |  |  |  |  | Já circulavam boatos hoje de manhã e confirmou-se ao fim do dia. Hoje foi a sexta-feira escolhida pelo juiz Jackson para se pronunciar acerca do julgamento USA vs Microsoft. A conclusão a que chegou é o que já se sabia: a Microsoft é um monopólio, abusa da sua posição e esteve a inventar inimigos fantasmas. Agora só falta ver o que vai acontecer ás acções da Microsoft na segunda-feira. A notícia é primeira página praticamente no planeta inteiro :) [partes da conclusão e links no desenvolvimento] [nuno: o Paulo Gatilho também nos avisou acerca desta história focando o infeliz facto do juiz não ver competição possível aos produtos Microsoft] |
|  |  |  |  | Juiz Jackson: "Microsoft has demonstrated that it will use its prodigious market power and immense profits to harm any firm that insists on pursuing initiatives that could intensify competition against one of Microsoft's core products, [...] The ultimate result is that some innovations that would truly benefit consumers never occur for the sole reason that they do not coincide with Microsoft's self-interest."
Links: Juiz Jackson:
"The experience of the Linux operating system, a version of which runs on Intel- compatible PCs, similarly fails to refute the existence of an applications barrier to entry. Linux is an "open source" operating system that was created, and is continuously updated, by a global network of software developers who contribute their labor for free. Although Linux has between ten and fifteen million users, the majority of them use the operating system to run servers, not PCs." "Since application developers working under an open-source model are not looking to recoup their investment and make a profit by selling copies of their finished products, they are free from the imperative that compels proprietary developers to concentrate their efforts on Windows. In theory, then, open-source developers are at least as likely to develop applications for a non-Microsoft operating system as they are to write Windows-compatible applications. In fact, they may be disposed ideologically to focus their efforts on open-source platforms like Linux. Fortunately for Microsoft, however, there are only so many developers in the world willing to devote their talents to writing, testing, and debugging software pro bono publico. A small corps may be willing to concentrate its efforts on popular applications, such as browsers and office productivity applications, that are of value to most users. It is unlikely, though, that a sufficient number of open-source developers will commit to developing and continually updating the large variety of applications that an operating system would need to attract in order to present a significant number of users with a viable alternative to Windows. In practice, then, the open-source model of applications development may increase the base of applications that run on non-Microsoft PC operating systems, but it cannot dissolve the barrier that prevents such operating systems from challenging Windows." "In short, attempting to clone the 32-bit Windows APIs is such an expensive, uncertain undertaking that it fails to present a practical option for a would-be competitor to Windows." < Sites só para Internet Explorer | Liberdade de Expressao, seus limites, suas consequências > |  | gildot Login |  | |