gildot |
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 | Contribuído por ajc em 02-11-99 12:23 do departamento alternativas |
|  |  |  |  |  | buffer diz "Na linux.corel.com, está um artigo muito interessante, que merece ser lido. O título é "Making the Grade with Linux®: A Viable Alternative for Students " e está aqui. Há um pequena parte do artigo no desenvolvimento." |
|  |  |  |  | "It's 2 a.m. and you're sitting in your dorm room, putting the finishing touches on a 3,000 word term paper. Suddenly an ominous, blue light fills your room. What could it be? BSOD-the 'Blue Screen of Death' as it is known in the computer world. That sure sign of a horrible crash under Windows® has just befallen you at the worst time. Sound familiar? Unfortunately, for many of the millions of Windows users it just might. But what can be done when all the applications that you know and love reside under Windows? Is there life beyond the BSOD? There sure is, and it's better! ..... " < Piratas de Israel | Transmeta - Alteracoes à Página > |  | gildot Login |  | |