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 | Contribuído por chbm em 30-08-99 23:40 do departamento not the life of brian |
|  |  |  |  |  | Nuno Loureiro diz "Aqui fica um bom artigo da vida de Linus, que saiu na SV Mercury-News. O artigo é extenso mas vale a pena ler. Do artigo gostaria de destacar o seguinte: "Here, if you're successful, people tend to respect you. In Europe, if you're successful, people tend to envy you. In Europe, if someone's really good you pay him more, say 20 percent more. Here you pay him 10 times more..... " [continua no desenvolvimento] |
|  |  |  |  | Here it's easier to be rich and successful and that motivates more people. I'm completely converted to the U.S. belief that you encourage people to do things by rewarding them, as opposed to trying to be fair by even rewarding the bad people.'' by Linus Torvalds "Linus once expressed his awe of his sister very succinctly at an early age. He might have been five or seven, when he told me: "You see, I don´t think any new thoughts. I think thoughts that other people have thought, and I rearrange them. But Sara, she thinks thoughts that never were before." by Mikke Torvalds (irmão) < Discurso da informática em português | GameBoy Emulator for Palm > |  | gildot Login |  | |