gildot |
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 | Parece que se esqueceram das leis do Asimov.... |
|  |  | Contribuído por ajc em 13-08-99 13:14 do departamento no-robot-may-harm-a-human-being |
|  |  |  |  |  | Miguel Marques diz "Bem, estas coisas so mesmo nos States....então não é que um robot atropelou uma trabalhadora e agora ela processou o robot? Segue-se uma cópia do artigo da futurefile. ". [AJC: Conhecendo os States, foi uma sorte ela não processar o robot por assédio sexual. Afinal ele apertou-a contra um armário! ] |
|  |  |  |  | Citacão da futurefile, por Miguel Marques: ROBOT PART OF INJURY LAWSUIT The workplace lawsuit of the future might have you in court battling a robot. Especially now that there's legal precedent. Last week, lawyers from Pacific Bell settled a personal injury suit between a former employee and Zippy the Mail Robot. You may have seen one of Zippy's siblings - one of those automated delivery carts that can wander through office hallways, dropping off mail as it goes. Well it seems Zippy got a little fresh one day, running over the employee's foot, then pinning her against a filing cabinet. It may sound crazy, but lawyers say in the automated office of the future, employers will be held liable for the actions of their robots. And it could open the door to a whole new kind of workplace insurance and policies. < Entrevista com o RMS | RHAT ultrapassa MSFT > |  | gildot Login |  | |