gildot |
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 | Contribuído por chbm em 23-05-99 13:59 do departamento blast-from-the-past |
|  |  |  |  |  | pmsp writes "Slackware 4.0 esta' ca' fora, é baseado no kernel 2.2.x , tem as c libs: lib5(ainda não percebi pq eh q não metem glibc2) [descrição mais detalhada no desenvolvimento]. Podem tirá-lo em link ou nos ftp's habituais. " [alem do 4.0 saiu tambem o 3.9 que e' baseado no 2.0.37pre10] |
|  |  |  |  | "Slackware Linux is a complete 32-bit multitasking "UNIX-like" system. It's currently based around the 2.2 Linux kernel series and the GNU C Library version 1.0.x (libc5). It contains an easy to use installation program, extensive online documentation, and a menu-driven package system. A full installation gives you the X Windows System, C/C++ development environments, Perl, networking utilities, a mail server, a news server, a web server, an ftp server, the GNU Image Manipulation Program, Netscape Communicator, plus many more programs. And Slackware Linux can run on 386 systems all the way up to the latest Pentium II systems. ". < Cheap Bytes Red Hat 6.0 | Computadores da NASA vulneráveis. > |  | gildot Login |  | |