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 | New York Stock Exchange utiliza Red Hat Linux | |  |  | Contribuído por scorpio em 02-06-08 10:50 do departamento newsflash | |  |  |  |  |  | rsantos escreve "O New York Stock Exchange utiliza Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Num artigo no InformationWeek pode ler-se: "NYSE Group CIO Steve Rubinow said the conversion to Linux followed the acquisition of the Euronext exchange in 2007. Unlike some trading companies that suggest Linux is running their secondary systems, Rubinow emphasized that Linux is running the NYSE's mission-critical trading systems." " | |  |  |  |  | < Linux nos telemóveis Nokia | Explosão em Data Center afecta 9000 servidores > |  | gildot Login |  |  | Referências |  | |