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 | Contribuído por scorpio em 28-02-05 17:38 do departamento R.I.P. | |  |  |  |  |  | jorgelaranjo escreve "Faleceu ontem, Sábado dia 26 de Fevereiro, vítima de cancro, Jef Raskin, que começou o projecto Macintosh para a Apple. Tinha 61 anos. "Jef Raskin was the human-computer interface expert who began the Macintosh project for Apple Computer and was the author of The Humane Interface, which in large part builds on his earlier work with the Canon Cat." "Raskin joined Apple in January 1978 as the 31st employee." Fontes: " | |  |  |  |  | < IBM abraça a linguagem PHP | Concurso de professores: IGF apresenta conclusões > |  | gildot Login |  |  | Referências |  | |