gildot |
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 | WebSphere Studio Site Developer (5.0) para Linux | |  |  | Contribuído por pls em 21-12-02 17:57 do departamento fresh-toys-for-the-boys | |  |  |  |  |  | |  |  |  |  | Das notas de lançamento: "Speed the creation of your Java, Web, and Web Services applications with easy to use templates, wizards and built-in source editing and content assist to add HTML, JSP and JavaSCR1PT tags. Streamline application testing with built-in Java and JavaSCR1PT debuggers and a new Visual Editor for Java with two way synchronization. Support for XHTML, JSP 1.2, Servlet 2.3 , JDK 1.3, Struts-based Model View Controller(MVC) and adapters for Concurrent Versioning System (CVS) are also included. " < Bush quer monitorizar Internet em tempo real | OpenSource: SUN GridEngine > |  | gildot Login |  |  | Referências |  | |