gildot |
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 | O "mal" está em todo o lado | |  | **** THE PROOF THAT gildot IS EVIL **** G I L D O T 71 73 76 68 79 84 - as ASCII values 8 1 4 5 7 3 - digits added \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_____/ 8 1 4 5 1 - digits added Thus, "gildot" is 81451. Subtract 32 from the number - this is the symbol of death, written backwards. It gives 81419. Subtract 8081 from the number - this is the year Turri constructed the first typewriter, giving birth to bad publicity, written backwards. It gives 73338. Divide the number by 002 - this is the symbol of greed, backwards. It gives 36669. Subtract 1889, the year Adolf Hitler was born. The result will be 34780. Turn the number backwards, subtract 1952 - the year killer fog haunted London. The number is now 6791. This number, read from right to left, is 1976, or the year George Harrison performed the lumberjack song with Monty Python - if you have seen it, you should understand. No further questions. QED. [Xmal: Quem não achar que o mal está em todo lado, pode ser que o descubra aqui.] < IBM adquire a Rational Software e forma a Cometa Networks | C|Net Publica Vision Series 3 > |  | gildot Login |  |  | Referências |  | |
Esta discussão foi arquivada. Não se pode acrescentar nenhum comentário. | | por Anonimo Cobarde em 08-12-02 20:56 GMT (#1) |
| L I N U X 76 73 78 85 88 - as ASCII values 4 1 6 4 7 - digits added \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ 4 1 6 4 7 - digits added Thus, "linux" is 41647.
Turn the number backwards, and add 1945 - the year a worldwide conspiracy known as the United Nations was founded. The number is now 76559. Subtract 1969, the year of Woodstock. The result will be 74590. Add 1778, the year Oliver Pollock invented '$', the symbol of exploitation, suffering and injustice - the result is 76368. Add 5681 to it - this is the year Lincoln was shot, written backwards - you will get 82049. Add 1351 to it - this is the year Richard Roose was conveniently boiled to death for trying to poison an archbishop, written backwards - you will get 83400. This number, when read backwards, gives 00438. This, written in octal, gives 666 - the number of the Beast. |
| | | | por Anonimo Cobarde em 08-12-02 23:46 GMT (#8) |
| "portugal telecom" is 76977.
Turn the number backwards, and add 1964 - the year Beatles with "Can't buy me love" topped the charts in a very mysterious way. The number is now 79931. Turn the number backwards, subtract 1986 - the year of the Chernobyl "incident". The number is now 12011. Subtract 1930, the year synthetic rubber was first produced, endangering the concept of intercourse for the purpose of procreation. The result will be 10081. Subtract 1889, the year Adolf Hitler was born. The result will be 8192. Turn the number backwards, subtract 1686 - the year Newton published wildly misunderstood "Principia". The number is now 1232. This number, read as octal, gives 666 - the number of the Beast. This is truly evil. QED. |
| | | | **** THE PROOF THAT Microsoft IS EVIL **** M I C R O S O F T 13 9 3 18 15 19 15 6 20 - as numbers 4 9 3 9 6 1 6 6 2 - digits added \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_____/ \_/ 4 3 7 3 2 - digits added Thus, "Microsoft" is 43732.
Turn the number backwards, and add 1951 - the year the Rosenbergs were sentenced to death for spying by the US. The number is now 25685. Turn the number backwards, divide by 11 - the symbol of judgment and disorder. The number is now 5332. Turn the number backwards, and add 1954 - the year when first FORTRAN computer program was executed. The number is now 4289. Subtract 1, the number of unity . The result will be 4288. Subtract 1967, the year Che Guevara was executed in Bolivia. The result will be 2321. This, when read backwards, gives 1232. This is 666 in octal, the number of the Beast... Evil, QED. -- antonio soares Windows has stopped. Press CTRL+ALT+DELETE to restart your computer. |
| | | | Submeter esse tipo de coisas como anónimo, uau!!!
Que valentia, que destemido, fantástico! Nunca antes visto! Nem sei porque estou a dar-me ao trabalho de comentar esta coisa! Este tipo de comentários por muito a brincar que sejam, tinham de facto piada se fossem assumidos pelos pseudo-autores.
"In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe." Carl Sagan, Cosmos |
| | | | | A diferenca talvez seja que Paradoxo, aqui no gil, so' ha' um. ACs sao 'as "paletes"! Tu proprio necessitaste de comecar a tua intervencao "Nao sou esse anonimo". Acredito que qualquer utilizador "identificado", incluindo o proprio Paradoxo nao precise de o fazer. ^S^ |
| | | | No entanto eu sei a quem me dirigir se necessitar de responder. Como tu o fizes-te respondes-te ao paradoxo e não a um anónimo cobarde que pode ser qualquer um. É aqui que está a diferença.
"In order to make an apple pie from scratch, you must first create the universe." Carl Sagan, Cosmos |
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