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| Linux na Extremadura Espanhola | | | | Contribuído por scorpio em 05-11-02 18:55 do departamento nuestros hermanos | | | | | | | lmpinto escreve "Este artigo no Washington Post explica como grande parte dos computadores da administração publica/empresas e mesmo casas estão a mudar para o linux - do artigo no BigBrother: the Extremadura region in Spain is converting all government offices, businesses, and home from Windows to Linux. The article talks of their problems last spring and how the community banded together to solve them. "But the glitches are more an annoyance, [Ana Acevedo, who heads one of the government's document-processing units] said, than a hassle. 'It's mostly very tiny things,' she said." Overall, this is an important testbed for localities all over the world who are looking at making the switch. Overall, a very good and balanced article." | | | | | | < Olhares de Outono | Windows cheaper than Linux, says Microsoft > | | gildot Login | | | Referências | | |