gildot |
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 | Cultured Perl: Application configuration with Perl | |  |  | Contribuído por scorpio em 01-08-02 17:56 do departamento perlmongers | |  |  |  |  |  | Koki escreve "This article shows how the AppConfig module can handle local configuration storage. It examines advanced features of the AppConfig module: validation, autoaction, modifying hash and array variables, and "radio button"-style mutually exclusive options. The author discusses advanced file-based configuration for Perl programs using the CPAN AppConfig module. You can refer to the previous article, Application configuration with Perl, Part 1 as a resources, since this article uses code from the first article without explaining the details. " | |  |  |  |  | < Versão Caixa Mágica 8.01 | Evolução da Internet em Portugal > |  | gildot Login |  |  | Referências |  | |