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FreeBSD 4.5
Contribuído por AsHeS em 10-01-02 22:26
do departamento releases
Free BSD MavicX escreve "De acordo com um mail que recebi, o freeBSD 4.5 tem a sua data prevista de lançamento dia 20 de Janeiro. As maiores novidades são um "revamped" virtual memory system com um "merged" VM/file buffer cache que permite aumentar a performance e economizar memoria, (lembrem-se que FreeBSD apenas necessita de 5 MB de ram para correr) existe ainda um novo NIS client e Server, o TCP vai suporta transacções e o dhcp vai ser integrado no kernel. O processo de instalação tambem vai ser simplificado.Podem fazer uma preencomenda dos quatro cd's por 40$ dolares ou ver melhor as novidades no BSDmall "

Simpósio + L.I.P. | Microsoft / DOJ - The empire Strikes Back  >


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    BSDCon 2002 (Pontos:2)
    por MavicX em 11-01-02 12:28 GMT (#1)
    (Utilizador Info)
    Quem tiver dinheiro e vontade de ir aos Estates pode passar dias 11-14 de Fevereiro em San Francisco e aprender o que se está a fazer no Mundo BSD. Deixo aqui o Past do mail que recebi.

    Register by January 21, 2002 and SAVE!

    BSDCon 2002
    February 11-14, 2002
    Cathedral Hill Hotel - San Francisco, California, USA

    Join the growing BSD community as we meet to explore the latest
    design and implementation of BSD-based systems software at BSDCon.
    This years program features keynote presentations by John Mashey of
    SenseiPartners and Brett Halle of Apple Computer, as well as a unique
    collection of refereed papers and invited talks covering a variety of
    topics, including:

    - MacOS X and Darwin
    - Multiprocessing work for FreeBSD
    - NetBSD work on the AMD x86-64
    - Packet filtering and virtual private networks
    - the continuing fight against spam
    - vulnerabilities of wireless networks
    - running a company based on open source software

    In addition to exceptional content, BSDCon also features four
    professional-level, educational tutorials. Practical and immediately
    useful, these courses are an excellent way to improve the depth of
    your knowledge about BSD and to stay current with the technology.
    BSDCon offers the following tutorials:

    * FreeBSD Kernel Internals, Part I and II
    * System and Network Security
    * Debugging Kernel Problems
    * Porting BSD Applications to mac OS X

    BSDCon's combination of technical tracks, invited talks, tutorials,
    Birds-of-a-Feather sessions, and Work-in-Progress reports provide an
    unparalleled opportunity for people of all experience levels to learn
    from BSD experts, professionals with real world experience, and
    industry leaders.

    If you want to develop cutting-edge network applications, learn how
    to use BSD as part of enterprise-grade solutions, or just meet the
    movers and shakers of the BSD community, then BSDCon is the place to
    be! "



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