gildot |
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 | Jogo Hitman: Codename 47 agradece uso de software | |  |  | Contribuído por scorpio em 24-09-01 8:47 do departamento hmm | |  |  |  |  |  | Anonimo Cobarde escreve "Uma curiosidade interessante, nas últimas páginas do manual do jogo Hitman: Codename 47 aparece o seguinte texto: "Open Source Software Hitman - Codename 47 was built using and including several Open Source products. We hereby would like to gratefully acknowledge the work contributed by the Open Source community, which has provided these indispensable tools. [...] " | |  |  |  |  | Products included in this game: - Expat XML Parser Toolkit (www.expat.org) released under the Mozilla Public License v1.1 - www.mozilla.org/mpl/mpl-1.1.html
- Freetype Font Engine (www.freetype.org/) released under its own GPL-like license - www.freetype.org/license.txt
Products used in the production of the game: - RedHat Linux 6.2 - www.redhat.com, www.linux.org
- Zope web application server - www.zope.org
- Bugzilla bug tracking system - www.mozilla.org/bugs
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