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Immunix OS 7.0
Contribuído por npf em 16-05-01 17:10
do departamento immunix
Linux nmarques escreve "Para todos aqueles que gostam de experimentar distros e não só, já se encontra disponivel para download a iso do Immunix OS 7.0 (Non-Commercial).
Esta distro é baseada em Red Hat, e o desenvolvimente é feito pela DARPA e pela WireX. Este produto contem vários produtos desenvolvidos como o StackGuard, o Scafolder SubDomain, o CryptoMark e o FormatGuard. "

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  • Red Hat
  • nmarques
  • download
  • Immunix
  • WireX
  • StackGuard
  • Scafolder SubDomain
  • CryptoMark
  • FormatGuard
  • Mais acerca Linux
  • Também por npf
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    Openwall Linux (Pontos:1)
    por [WaR] em 16-05-01 22:43 GMT (#1)
    (Utilizador Info)
    Já agora aproveito para fazer uma referência a uma outra distro, que a meu ver tb poderá vir a ser uma distro bastante importante no mundo "linux". Ainda não experimentei (infelizmente ainda nao tive tempo), mas espero testar lá para sexta feira.
    Falo do OpenWall Linux, desenvolvido pelo Solar Designer (quem não sabe quem é, dê uma olhada no site), e a meu ver posiciona-se como o "openBSD" do Linux :)
    Anyway, dêem uma olhada em

    -- [WaR]
    ACKnowledge my SYNs
    Re:Openwall Linux (Pontos:0, Informativo)
    por Anonimo Cobarde em 17-05-01 12:30 GMT (#2)
    Acho que te enganas-te no link e não é mas sim, como o O maiusculo. hugs Nocturno
    E, já que estamos neste assunto... (Pontos:2)
    por Dehumanizer em 17-05-01 13:40 GMT (#3)
    (Utilizador Info)
    Daqui a 14 dias (portanto, dia 1 de Junho) sai o OpenBSD 2.9.


    Filesystem performance has received an incredible boost from new softupdates and dirpref code. Some tests show a 60x improvement in filesystem speed. If there is one reason to upgrade to 2.9, this is it.

    OpenSSH (supporting both the
    SSH1 and SSH2 protocols) is now at version 2.9. Secure file transfers are encouraged using the greatly enhanced SFTP subsystem which now comes both with n SFTP server and client.
    Extensive changes to the documentation, notably the man pages and the web FAQ. The manual pages now include useful examples to supplement the explanations.

    More complete collection and better tested set of "ports".

    Over 1000 pre-built and tested packages.

    OpenBSD 2.9 will run on the new Apple Titanium PowerBook G4.

    After a 2 release hiatus, the OpenBSD/alpha port is back with more hardware support than ever!

    The system includes the following major components from outside suppliers:
    XFree86 4.0.3 (and i386 contains 3.3.X servers also, thus providing support for all chipsets)
    gcc 2.95.3 (+ patches)
    perl 5.6.0 (+ patches)
    Apache 1.3.19, mod_ssl 2.8.2, OpenSSL 0.9.6 (+ patches), DSO support
    ipf 3.4.16 (+ patches)
    groff 1.15
    sendmail 8.11.3
    lynx 2.8.2 with HTTPS support added
    sudo 1.6.3p7
    ncurses 5.2
    Latest KAME IPv6
    KTH Kerberos 1.0.4
    OpenSSH 2.9
    Much improved device driver support
    3Com 3c990 3XP Typhoon/Sidewinder driver (Ethernet only).
    New hardware RAID drivers including:
    Adaptec FSA

    American Megatrends MegaRAID

    Compaq Smart ARRAY controllers

    New SCSI drivers supporting:
    Initio 940/950

    Symbios Logic 53c1x10

    AMD Am53c974-based PCI adapters

    Much added support for various laptop audio cards, including:
    ESS Maestro 1/2/2E

    Yamaha DS-1S

    Cirrus Logic CS4281 audio devices

    USB hardware is now enabled by default and includes support for keyboards and mice.
    Many improvements for security and reliability (look for the red
    print in the complete changelog).

    Many other new features, including:
    Vastly improved Linux emulation allowing many more applications to run.
    802.1d spanning tree support for bridge(4).
    vlan(4) bridging support allows for many more bridge possibilities (Now you can even use OpenBSD as an 802.1Q compatible switch)
    kqueue(2) kernel event notification mechanism.
    Addition of the wscons(4) machine-independent console driver.
    Major enhancements to softupdates, including speed and stability fixes.
    Bug-fixes and enhancements to the atapiscsi(4) and pciide(4) drivers,
    including UltraDMA/100 support for Intel, Promise, and Highpoint controllers.

    "Ford, you're turning into a penguin. Stop it." - Arthur Dent



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