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 | Contribuído por scorpio em 03-05-01 12:13 do departamento sharing-HOWTO | |  |  |  |  |  | Branc0 escreve "Andava eu a passear pelo sitio do costume quando encontrei esta discussão. Ao que parece o NYT tem um artigo onde se lê: "In a speech defending Microsoft's business model, to be given on Thursday at the Stern School of Business at New York University, Craig Mundie, a senior vice president at Microsoft and one of its software strategists, will argue that the company already follows the best attributes of the open-source model by sharing the original programmer's instructions, or source code, more widely than is generally realized." Singled out for particular rebuke and scorn are IBM and the famous GPL and its author Richard Stallman. Who will be there to cheer Craig on?" " | |  |  |  |  | < Imprime aí um Ferrari | Microsoft e as inúmeras tentativas de monopólio > |  | gildot Login |  |  | Referências |  | |