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Lobby EU no ICANN
Contribuído por Xmal em 05-09-00 17:45
do departamento transitive-thrust-should-work
Europa Recebi um pedido de disseminação para um lobby em curso, no sentido de eleger o candidato europeu, Bernard Benhamou, para o ICANN board of directors. A mensagem de apoio é de Bernard Lang, um investigador do INRIA bastante activo da promoção do Software Livre na Europa. Este pedido só faz sentido para quem já se tiver registado como votante no ICANN. Segue-se o texto completo:
ICANN ELECTIONS ------- Endorsement for Bernard Benhamou (candidacy) (site)

PLEASE disseminate (if you agree :-) DEADLINE : September 8 URGENT

Last July, I sent a message over several lists to encourage people to register with ICANN for the coming elections of the ICANN board of directors.

The registration process is now closed. If you are not a registered voter, this message probably does not concern you, unless you still want to participate by helping to support a candidate, for example by disseminating this message.

The election process has already started and is unfortunately very fast, considering it started during the vacations period. There are 2 kinds of candidates:
- candidates nominated by an ad hoc election committee, who are sure to participate in the final election.
- individual candidates who can participate to the final election only if they are endorsed by a sufficient number (2%) of the voters from their region (i.e. Europe). See

This process is well advanced and unfortunately terminates very early : September 8, 2000. Hence prompt action is required.
The purpose of this message is to support the endorsement of one individual candidate : Bernard Benhamou. (see below)

He will be able to participate only if he gets enough endorsements from european registered voters. see pour la liste des candidats and

You can endorse his candidacy even if you had previously endorsed someone else.


In my opinion, a candidate must satisfy several criteria :

1- be close enough to my (your) own vision of the role of the Internet and its regulation : support of democratic principles, openness to innovation and competition, no private control of standards and technical interfaces, no abusive use of patents and intellectual property, especially regarding intellectual and social processes (commerce, education, ...) which shall be more and more dependant on the Internet.

2- be independent from financial and corporate powers.

3- be personnally and professionally credible, with enough public visibility to be a credible candidate (why waste votes). In this respect we should not forget that voters belong to varied communities.

4- finally, and essentially, have enough competence and experience to participate with effectiveness to the management of a structure like ICANN. This competence must be at the same time technical because the problems to be managed are technically complex, sociological because of the increasing role of the Internet in our society, and political because it is rather obvious that the issues raised are often politically touchy and will require considerable skill in order to achieve significant result.

After considering the various european candidates, I believe that Bernard Benhamou answers best these criteria. See his site : (English) and his candidacy : (English)

He already has a significant number of vote. His past actions witness his understanding and competence : for example his organisation of a vast exhibit about the Internet at the Paris City of Sciences, or his participation in public meetings and conferences that show an understanding of issues both technical and sociological. His positions are in agreement with the principles I stated earlier, and notably regarding the issues of intellectual property and the preservation of public standards, see his site in English, or in French :

He is used to political action and his current position as Senior Lecturer at the Political Science Institute of Paris is witness to his familiarity with political problems, even though his academic studies and degrees are in medecine and computer science.

I believe he is a brilliant candidate for Europe, and I recommand endorsing his participation in the final vote. I should add that I have no personnal nor professionnal links to Bernard Benhamou, and I know him only from meetings during public events usually related to the Internet. My only motivation here is to promote a candidate who will be an independant and able representative for European interest, and whose past vouches for his commitment to an Internet both democratic and open for all, technically and socially.

And I repeat that you can still endorse him (until September 8), even if you previously chose to endorse someone else.

Bien cordialement

Bernard Lang

Non aux Brevets Logiciels - No to Software Patents

INRIA / B.P. 105 / 78153 Le Chesnay CEDEX / France
Je n'exprime que mon opinion - I express only my opinion

Terravista volta a mudar de mãos | Big Brother o maior "sucesso" da Internet em PT  >


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  • Linux
  • Bernard Benhamou
  • Bernard Lang
  • Mais acerca Europa
  • Também por Xmal
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    Falta um português lá (Pontos:1)
    por hashCode em 06-09-00 3:27 GMT (#1)
    (Utilizador Info)
    Na verdade eu já tinha lido um artigo em que se dava conta da pouca quantidade de portugueses votantes.Existe um candidato português a um dos lugares mas é uma missão impossível para ele mesmo.É pena.
    Re:Falta um português lá (Pontos:2)
    por Vitor Domingos em 06-09-00 15:06 GMT (#5)
    (Utilizador Info)
    Concordo... Infelizmente so podemos votar para o unico membro que se candidatou. Mas tambem se formos a ver sao poucos os votantes. Eu quando recebi a carta com o pin, tinha passado exactamente 1 dia para me poder candidatar. uff..
    Um frances ?!? NEVER!! (Pontos:0)
    por Anonimo Cobarde em 06-09-00 10:11 GMT (#2)

        Por um frances no ICANN ?!?! Um representante do povo mais burocratico e idiota da Europa numa associacao que promove e defende sociedades livres havia de ter piada!!

        Passado um mes tinhamos os camionistas franceses a entrar nos ISP's todos para desligar a fibra por forma a pressionar o governo a baixar os precos da fruta!

    Re:Um frances ?!? NEVER!! (Pontos:2, Esclarecedor)
    por Xmal em 06-09-00 12:11 GMT (#3)
    (Utilizador Info)
    Pela forma com tem andado a nossa televisão nacional nos ultimos tempos (pretensamente indo de encontro aos desejos dos espectadores), não posso ter, no presente momento, muito orgulho de ser Português e muito menos achar-me acima dos Franceses.

    Não convem confundir alhos com bugalhos.

    P.S: Tambem tenho tendência para achar os Franceses chauvinistas, mas tento controlar estes meus instintos :)

    Re:Um frances ?!? NEVER!! (Pontos:0)
    por Anonimo Cobarde em 06-09-00 12:24 GMT (#4)
    >Pela forma com tem andado a nossa televisão nacional nos ultimos tempos (pretensamente indo de encontro aos desejos dos espectadores), não
    >posso ter, no presente momento, muito orgulho de ser Português e muito menos achar-me acima dos Franceses.

        Obviamente nao ves televisao francesa...

    > P.S: Tambem tenho tendência para achar os Franceses chauvinistas, mas tento controlar estes meus instintos :)

        Se vivesses no UK como eu e nao pudesses atravessar o Canal para a Holanda porque uns idiotas franceses acham que pagam muito pela gasolina ja' nao controlavas os sentimentos...




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